Friday, June 24, 2011

Wire Wrapped Jewelry

As I said in my last post I've also gotten into wire wrapping and jewelry making.  Much of what I have made has definitly been strictly a trial and error approach, with a few tips from the ever so infinite internet.

Here are a few of what I consider my "better" pieces.

Wire Wrapped Glass Pendant
 One of my earlier wire wrapping attempts.
A bracelet made with silver buttons and wire shaped with a jig (which my hubby so kindly made me).  The focal stone is a 2 inch Brazilian Agate.  As you can see, I'm still perfecting my clasp making ability.

8 inch Bracelet

20 inch Necklace
I'm not sure what type of stone this pink heart is, as it was purchased by my mother from Fire Mountain Gems.

Blue Shell Bead Necklace and Earring Set

Chinese "Lucky" Jade Pendant with MOP shell necklace.
I was told that the writing on the pendant meant Lucky.

As I said at the beginnning that these are what I consider my better pieces, there are very many failures and unfinished ones as well.  These pieces are all of my own design.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous work Rhonda - another talent! I love the pink one - Rose Amethyst it looks like from here!
